Is there anything sweeter than learning another language to express your feelings and ultimately prove your love? Saying I love you in German is one of those things!
Take a German class and use your newfound knowledge to compliment a stranger, chat with someone you like, or tell your loved ones how much you love them.
Now if you are trying to learn a romance language you might want to pick French or Italian and that would be perfectly fine ? but hear us out. We are going to show you why German is secretly the most romantic language of them all and why it is time to learn how to say I love you in German in all its variations.
Say I love you in German
What makes German so secretly romantic?
German is known for being a precise language. Depending on how many words you count, it has eight times as many as English. That gives you a lot of words to choose from when expressing your love in German. You can be as specific and unique as you want. Remember, the best declarations of love are the ones they’ve never heard before.
Goethe was at least as romantic as Shakespeare.
Goethe used that huge German vocabulary: In his collected works he used over 90,000 words ? almost three times as many as Shakespeare and you will soon find yourself amazed at the depth and beauty of the German language!
Germans don’t play around. So what better language to let someone know you’re serious about their feelings? You hear “I love you” on every street corner, but do you really know what love is until someone looks you straight in the eye and hisses a serious “Ich liebe dich” at you?
How to say I love you in German
So, how do you say I love you in German? “Ich liebe dich” [ɪç ˈliːbə dɪç] is a little tricky to pronounce. The ?ch? is formed at the back of your mouth. Think of an exaggerated ?hehehe? giggle while you’re almost whistling, and there you have it: I-ch lee-beh di-ch (-ehehe).
Depending on who you say it to, there are many different variations, so we’ve come up with a detailed list of how to express your love to everyone in your life? starting with your lover.
To your boyfriend, girlfriend and/or romantic interest
There are countless names to call your love ? Schatz, Spatz, Liebling, Liebchen ? and there are also many ways to express your love to your beloved:
You are the best thing that has ever happened to me
You’re the best thing that ever happened to me
[du: bɪst das baste vas mi:ɐ̯ je: pasi:ɐ̯t ɪst]
good night i love you
Good night I love you
[gu:tə naxt ɪç li:bə dɪç]
I will never stop loving you
I will not stop loving you
[ɪç ve:ɐ̯də nɪçt aʊ̯fhø:ʁən dɪç t͡su: li:bən]
I will always love you
I will Always Love You
[ɪç ve:ɐ̯de dɪç ɪmɐ li:bən]
For a friend, family member or pure love
Of course your friends and family want some love too. Here’s a list of expressions to spread love to anyone and everyone from your best friend to your grandma.
According to scientific research, love comes with some solid health benefits.
How to say i like you in german
Right between a friendship and a relationship is often where it gets interesting. Meet someone you like and want to let them know?
German pronunciation
I like you
I like you
[ɪç mak dɪç]
I like you so much
I like you very much
[ɪç mak dɪç ze:ɐ]
I really like you
I really like you
[ɪç mak dɪç vɪɐ̯klɪç]
I like you, too
I like you too
[ɪç mak dɪç aʊ̯x]
I want to meet you
I want to see you
[ɪç vɪl dɪç ze:ən]
i like everything about you
I like everything about you
[to be taken care of]
i like the way you dance
I like how you dance
[ɪç mak vi: du: aunt͡st]
You’re so handsome
You look good
[du:zi:st gu:t aʊ̯s]
You really beautiful
You are cute
[du: bɪst hy:pʃ]
You are attactive
You are attractive
[du: bɪst atʁakti:f]
Do you have a girlfriend yet?
Do you have a girlfriend?
[hast du: we don’t know]
You have a boyfriend yet?
Do you have a boyfriend?
[hast du: first year]
Will you dance with me? (formal)
May I ask?
[daɐ̯f ɪç bɪtən]
Do you want to dance?
Do you want to dance?
[vɪlst du: tant͡sen]
will you go out with me
Would you like to go out with me?
[møçtɛst du: mɪt mi:ɐ̯ aʊ̯sge:ən]
What are you in the mood for?
What do you want to do?
[vo:ʁaʊ̯f you have: lʊst]
Would you like to go to the movies with me?
Would you like to go to the movies with me?
[møçtɛst du: mɪt mi:ɐ̯ ɪns ki:no: ge:ən]
Would you like a bite?
Do you feel like going out to eat ?là somewhere?
[hast du: lʊst ɪɐ̯gəntvo: vas ɛsən t͡su: ge:ən]
Would you like to go for a drink?
Do you feel like going for a drink?
[hast du: lʊst vas tʁɪŋkən t͡su: ge:ən]
i want to spend more time with you
I would like to spend more time with you
[ɪç vʏɐ̯ is gεɐ̯n me:ɐ t͡saɪ̯t mɪt di:ɐ̯ fayɐ̯bʁɪŋən]
Do you also want to breathe fresh air?
Would you like to get some fresh air?
[møçtest do: mɪt an di: fʁɪʃə lʊft]
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
[ɪç møçtə daɪ̯nə hant pauseən]
I want to kiss you
I would like to kiss you
[ɪç vʏɐ̯de dɪç gɛɐ̯n kʏsén]
I can kiss you?
Did I get to kiss you?
[dʏɐ̯ftə ɪç dɪç kʏsén]
Will you marry me in German
Say I love you in German
After complimenting your significant other on their dance moves or asking them out to the movies for the first time, somewhere along the way you might be ready to pop the big question and ask them to marry you? a question you definitely want to answer right!
German pronunciation
Will you marry me?
Will you marry me?
[vɪlst du: mɪç haɪ̯ʁa:tən]
Do you want to marry me?
Do you want to marry me?
[møçtɛst du: mɪç haɪ̯ʁa:tən]
Will you be my husband?
Do you want to be my husband?
[vɪlst du: maɪ̯n man ve:ɐ̯ from]
Will you marry me?
Do you want to be my wife?
[vɪlst du: maɪ̯nə fʁaʊ from ve:ɐ̯]
Will you spend the rest of your life with me?
Do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?
[vɪlst du: de:n ʁest daɪ̯nəs le:bəns mɪt mi:ɐ̯ فɐ̯bʁɪŋən]
Will you make me the luckiest woman in the world and marry me?
Will you make me the happiest woman in the world and marry me?
Will you make me the luckiest man in the world and marry me?
Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?
[vɪlst du: mɪç t͡sʊm glʏklɪçsten man de:ɐ̯ vɛlt maxən ʊnt mɪç haɪ̯ʁa:tən]
Good quotes about love in German
Take Albert Einstein for example: “Where there is love, there is no burden”? and many German authors and artists seem to agree with this view. You can appreciate some beautiful German love quotes and their translations below:
German pronunciation
“Where there is love, there is no burden.”
“Where there is love, there is no burden.”
Albert Einstein
[vo:li:bə ɪst gi:pt ɛs kaɪ̯nə last]
Happiness is love, nothing else. Who can love is happy.?
“Happiness is love, nothing else. He who can love is happy.”
Hermann Hesse
[glʏk ɪst li:bə nɪçts andəʁəs ve:ɐ li:bən kan ɪst glʏklɪç]
Happiness alone is the soul that loves.?
“Happy only is the soul that loves”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
[glʏklɪç alaɪ̯n ɪst di: ze:lə di: li:pt]
This is the greatest thing given to humans, their capacity to love without limits.?
“The greatest thing that has been given to man is that it is in his power to love without limits.”
Typhoon Theodor
[das ɪst das gʁœstə vas de:m mɛnʃən gəge:bən ɪst das ɛs ɪn zaɪ̯nɐ maxt ʃte:t gʁɛnt͡sənlo:s t͡su: li:bən]
The best memories a person can have are in his or her heart.?
“The most beautiful monument a person can receive is in the hearts of his fellow human beings”
Albert Schweitzer
[das ʃø:nstâ deŋkma:l das aɪ̯n mench bökmen kan wÃte:t ɪn de:n hêɐ̯t͡sun de:ɐ̯ mɪtmən]
“Everything else pales in comparison to love.”
“Everything else is small compared to love.”
Clemens Brentano
[aləs andeʁə ɪst klaɪ̯n ge:gən di: li:bə]
Love is made of courage.?
“Love is made of courage.”
Baby girl
[li:bə vɪɐ̯t aʊ̯s mʊt gəmaxt]
New love begins when the old love no longer hurts?.
“New love begins where the old one stops hurting”
Friedrich Kautz
[nɔʏ̯ə li:bə bəgɪnt da: vo: di: altə aʊ̯fhø:ɐ̯t ve:t͡su:tu:n]
German Love Songs
There’s nothing like love as the muse behind music. And if you’re learning how to express love and affection in German, you’ll definitely enjoy using these German love songs as extracurricular study material, or even humming them to your significant other once you’ve mastered the lyrics.
Say I love you in German
The best Silbermond
Starting with a slow piano intro and the lyrics “Ich habe einen Schatz gefunden und er trägt deinen Namen” (I found a treasure and it bears your name), you knew this was going to be a cheesy one, but it’s classic, full of sweet talk you can borrow for your own Schatz.
SDP ? Actually he never wanted to write a love song / Lời bài hát
“He never wanted to write a love song”? but that’s exactly what he did. Simple and perfectly suited to wearing heart-shaped glasses, with the words “mein kleines Herz bounct” (my little heart is beating wildly).
Sportfreunde Stiller-A compliment (Lời bài hát)
This guy wrote a song “just to quickly let his love know that she’s the best for him” and he sings some of the best things you can say to a person, including “You’re my sweet counter in the supermarket.” What could be sweeter?
Romantic quotes in German
Want to express your love beyond those three little words?
You may find some of these German romantic phrases useful as you learn how to express your passion beyond the classics. Practice some of these phrases to take your German love vocabulary to intermediate and advanced German level and impress your special someone.
German pronunciation
Love is blind
Love makes you blind
[li:bə maxt blɪnt]
Black silver red love
Unlucky in love, lucky in gambling
[piece ɪn de:ɐ̯ li:bə glʏk ɪm ʃpi:l]
Live on air and love
Living on air and love
[fɔn ˈlʊft ʊnt ˈliːbə ˈleːbn̩]
Looking through rose colored glasses
Seeing something through rose-colored glasses
[ɛtvas dʊɐ̯ç di: ʁo:zaʁo:tə bʁɪlə ze:ən]
To be on cloud nine
Floating on cloud nine
[aʊ̯f vɔlkə zi:bən ʃve:bən]
The way to someone’s heart is through their stomach
Love goes through the stomach
[li:bə ge:t dʊɐ̯ç de:n ma:gən]
An old flame never dies
Old love doesn’t rust
[sub li:bə ʁɔstət nɪçt]
Teasing is a sign of affection
What teases each other, loves each other
[vas zɪç nɛkt das li:pt zɪç]
Love conquers all
love overcomes everything
[li:bə y:bɐvi:ndet ales]
No herb can cure love
There is no cure for love
[ge:gən li:bə ɪst kaɪ̯n kʁaʊ̯t gevaksen]
Dating a German? 3 Tips on German Dating Culture
Thinking about dating a German? Better relax and split the bill.
1. Keep calm
The colder the weather, the colder the people of a country are thought to be? and Germany can get quite a bit of snow. So keeping your cool is key to successful flirting. Don’t rush things or make the first move too soon. Keep your flirting as subtle as possible. Just be honest and genuine.
2. Split the bill
Gender equality is a big deal in Germany ? as it should be everywhere. Don’t expect a German guy to pay and don’t expect a German girl to let you. Splitting the bill and being financially independent is much more common here.
3. Respect their individuality
While there are general differences, remember that everyone is an individual in their own culture. So keep your German knowledge in mind, but pay more attention to the person in front of you.
Say I love you in German
They may not be a typical German ? if there ever was one ? and ultimately, the fun in dating is getting to know them for who they really are.
If you’re trying to learn how to say I love you in German, it means your loved one speaks another language and you’re willing to learn it for them. Put down the roses and forget the cheesy pick-up lines because that day is already the ultimate proof of your love. Or if you’re not quite there yet, it’s at least an important step you’re taking to impress or get closer to your special someone.
There is no better way to say “I love you” in German than to actually learn the language for them.