Mobile Phones in Germany and What Kind of Sim Card Should I Use?

When studying abroad in Germany, it is difficult for you to use a mobile phone in Germany with a sim card from Vietnam. Using a Vietnamese sim card in Germany will encounter many problems along with expensive fees. So how to use a mobile phone in Germany? What type of sim card is suitable to use in Germany? Let’s find out about this with My Career!

Mobile phone contract

First, you can sign a mobile phone contract while studying in Germany. To do that, you need a German bank account and an ID card (or residence permit). Providers will check whether the customer can actually pay or not?

Mobile phones in Germany

Note: Do not sign a contract that you do not understand, find someone to translate it for you. A mobile phone contract usually lasts for 1 to 2 years. You cannot terminate the contract before that time. As long as the contract is in effect, you will pay the bill, usually at the end of the month. 

Attention! Want to change your contract after it expires? Then you must terminate it at the right time. Usually you have to give notice three months before the contract ends.

Otherwise, the contract will be automatically renewed for another year or two. In the last months of the contract, there will be many calls from network consultants, calling to advise and sell you new packages, listen carefully to the questions, avoid answering “yes” when you do not understand anything, your contract will be renewed at a higher price every month after that.

Which sim card is the most economical to buy in Germany?

In Germany there are currently 3 options for buying a sim card: 

  • Buy a phone with a contract with a carrier (usually buying a phone in installments)
  • Prepaid SIM 
  • Postpaid SIM 

When purchasing a SIM card, users must register with an ID and provide proof of German residential address (Meldebescheinigung). 

What to note when buying a sim? 

Before signing a postpaid or prepaid SIM contract, you should pay attention to the following points to avoid spending a lot of money: 

  • Monthly payment? 
  • How many GB of network? 
  • How long is the contract? 
  • How long are free calls? How many free text messages? 
  • How long is the shipping time? 

1. Prepaid SIM: 

You can easily buy prepaid SIM cards in public places such as: large and small supermarkets like Lidl, Rossman, SIM card stores, gas stations, Kiosks. 

Mobile phones in Germany

You will pay the corresponding amount for how much you use (similar to prepaid SIM cards in Vietnam). You can refer to Lidl Connect or ALDI SIM cards which are quite cheap, only around 7-8 EUR for 2GB per month including free calls and text messages. 

Activate SIM: 

To activate the SIM, you need to confirm your identity when registering for a prepaid SIM card by authorized individuals or organizations. 

There are 2 ways to verify identity: 

Identification in the post office: 

A Deutsche Post employee will check and confirm your identity, please bring your passport. You will receive your personal profile as a downloadable file after placing your order or registering. You can print it out or present it in the post office using the POSTIDENT app (The POSTIDENT app can be downloaded for free from the App Store or Google Play Store) 

Identification via video call: 

You make a short video call with an authorized employee via the POSTIDENT website ( ) or via the POSTIDENT app. The service is available every day from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. (WebID Solutions GmbH) or from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. (Deutsche Post). 

When you buy a SIM card at a network branch, you will be supported to activate the SIM card on the spot. 

Once your identity has been confirmed, the SIM card will be activated immediately.

  • Recharge cards (Guthabenkarte) are sold in supermarkets, gas stations, and post offices. There are scratch cards and barcode cards.
Mobile phones in Germany

→ For barcode scanning cards, when paying, the staff will scan and the code will be printed with the receipt. 

  • After having the code, you can top up in many ways: enter the code into the network operator’s website/App; call Konto-Hotline, each network operator will have a different Konto-Hotline
  • You can also top up online using the account provided by the network operator via paypal or choose to pay via bank account. Below are the online top-up links of some popular network operators: 
  • Lidl:
  • O2:
  • Telekom:

2. Postpaid SIM: 

  • Postpaid SIM is a SIM that I will pay all service fees at the end of the month by linking to a bank account. 
  • You can register online on the website or go directly to the network branches. After finding a suitable package, you and the network will sign a contract. The value of the contract depends on the number of minutes of calls, messages and internet traffic you use each month. 
  • In case you want to cancel the contract, you need to notify the network operator by email or in writing 3 months in advance

When starting a contract, you should note down the contract expiration date to continue to renew or cancel the contract if you want!!! 

  • For postpaid SIMs, purchasing will be more complicated than prepaid SIMs, but in terms of convenience, postpaid SIMs have more types of services and are more comfortable in terms of data traffic.∙ Popular carriers: Vodafone, O2, Winsim, Telekom 

2.1 Roadmap 

Two forms of registration: 

Method 1: Register directly at the store: 

You need to bring: identification documents (ID, Passport), Meldebescheinigung to confirm identity 

→ Read carefully and sign the contract 

Method 2: Register online: 

⮚ You can search for suitable network packages on the network operators’ websites. ⮚ Click on the package you want to buy and start ordering.

Section 1: Fill in personal information

Mobile phones in Germany

Section 2: Set a password for your account 

Note: Password must be at least 8 characters, including uppercase letters and numbers, excluding symbols and spaces

Mobile phones in Germany

Section 3: Linking to a bank account 

Please enter the IBAN code or the code on your bank card. 

Do you mean “ I’m taking part in…..?

Mobile phones in Germany

After completing the above steps, click Next and complete the Sim ordering procedure. 

*) Each service provider will have different forms of sim card activation. For example: 

Telekom : for new customers (ordered online), the Sim sent in the mail is automatically activated after 24 hours after confirming identity on the website. Sim purchased at the network operator’s store is activated on the spot. 

Vodafone: you must call the Hotline number to activate, hotline number 1 22 29

WinSIM: After purchasing a SIM card, you will have a winSIM account (1) After receiving the new SIM card, in the SIM card number field, enter the SIM card number-Kartennummer (sim card number) in the WinSIM app. You can find the SIM card number on the back of the SIM card 

(2) Press the “Next” button 

The SIM card will be activated and activation may take up to 24 hours.

Mobile data

If you have a prepaid SIM card, you can surf the Internet with a smartphone. But the money in the account will run out quickly. Therefore, it is cheaper to buy certain packages. Then, depending on the package, people can use the Internet for a certain number of days or buy a certain amount of data.


If you want to use the Internet for free, you can use Wi-Fi. Free Wi-Fi is often available in coffee shops, libraries, and other public buildings. Want to find free Wi-Fi in your area? The website “Hotsplots” will help you find the nearest Internet connection point.

Mobile Phone Rates: What Should You Consider When Choosing?

In the early days of studying in Germany, not being able to use a smartphone is hard to bear. But regardless of whether it is an iPhone or an Android device, you need to consider the mobile phone rates in Germany. Because without this, the device is almost useless. 

Mobile phones in Germany

With so many options available, finding the right mobile phone plan can be confusing and time-consuming. Here you will find practical information on the factors you should consider when choosing a mobile phone plan while studying in Germany.

  • With mobile phone rates, a well-developed network is key to reliable reception.
  • Shorter contract terms mean more flexibility.
  • The tariff structure must be transparent and fair.
  • Individual details, geared to the user’s needs, give the advantage.

Flat-rate plans across all networks are a good idea for people who make a lot of calls and don’t care which network they’re talking to. This model allows you to make calls to all networks, including landlines, for a fixed monthly fee. If you want flexibility, look for short-term contracts that you can change quickly if necessary. Look for a transparent tariff structure to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

How does the Internet work?

Your surfing behavior is also important when choosing a mobile phone tariff. All providers offer you a fixed price for exchanging data on the Internet. So you can go online without any worries. The deciding factor is the amount of data at high speed. 

People who only use their smartphones for messaging services are fine with a small amount of data. If you are active on social media and the like, you will quickly reach your limit with a device under 1 GB. In this case, it may be necessary to upgrade every month and ask for more data to surf the Internet.

Mobile phones in Germany

What are the mobile phone tariff providers?

Telekom, Vodafone and Telefonica O2 are still the most popular mobile phone tariff providers. Here you have a wide range of contract options to choose from. There are also other services such as AldiTalk, Blau or

What should you consider when changing suppliers?

It is important that you terminate your contract with your previous supplier in good time. In the case of standard agreements with a minimum contract period of 24 months, a three-month notice period applies in most cases. 

Note that with some mobile phone plans, your smartphone cannot simply be used with other SIM cards during the contract period. The SIM lock can only be removed free of charge when the contract period has ended. Before switching, find out the network coverage of the new provider in your area. Friends and colleagues provide information.

Hopefully this article has provided you with useful information for your journey to study in Germany. Follow My Career now to learn more interesting tips!

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