Currently, studying in Germany is becoming a trend chosen by many students when Germany has broken down the tuition barrier and become a country with many support policies for international students. So is it easy to apply for a scholarship to study in Germany? And what conditions must be satisfied to apply for a German scholarship? 

Let’s find out with URIAH how to successfully apply for a scholarship to study in Germany!

Scholarship to study in Germany

Step 1: Meet the 4 requirements to apply for a scholarship to study in Germany

Determine the major

First, you need to determine what major you intend to study when studying abroad in Germany? This largely determines whether you can apply for a scholarship to study abroad in Germany or not and the type of scholarship you can apply for. Because Germany has quite a few scholarships for each major.

Some suggestions to help you choose the right major:

  • Your favorite.
  • Your ability.
  • Potential for future career development.
  • Future earning potential.
  • Specific career interests

Determining your major will help you save time when choosing a scholarship to study in Germany. At the same time, choosing a scholarship that matches your major will help increase your chances of winning a scholarship. Avoid waste or failure.

Have good academic results

The next condition for applying for a scholarship to study in Germany is that you need to have good academic results. This is a factor that the organization you apply for a scholarship can look at and evaluate your ability.

Good academic results are reflected in the tendency to make efforts. Accordingly, the academic results of the following year must be better than the previous year. Demonstrating your efforts will impress the admissions officer and make it easier to get a scholarship.

Good foreign language

An important factor to help you have a successful start when studying abroad is having a good foreign language foundation. Being able to listen and write well in either English or German is highly appreciated by admissions officers. At the same time, being good at foreign languages ​​​​will support you a lot during your studies in Germany.

However, most training programs in Germany use German. Therefore, instead of applying for an English scholarship, applying for a German scholarship will be more highly appreciated. At the same time, learning German will help you save more time studying the language.

It takes 9 months to 1 year to reach B1 level. Therefore, you should learn the language while still in school. This will help you apply for a scholarship to study in Germany right after your high school graduation exam.

Show dynamism and creativity

Accordingly, admissions officers are always impressed with students who truly excel in all aspects. Therefore, having good academic results is not enough.

In their eyes, people who actively participate in extracurricular and social activities are very welcome. Because they appreciate people who know how to improve themselves from knowledge to soul. Talented people are those who know how to improve themselves. In addition, they are also those who know how to use their own strength to make society better.

Sufficient financial resources to ensure living while studying abroad in Germany

Proof of financial resources when studying vocational training in Germany as well as studying for a university or master’s degree is information you need to pay attention to. Unlike countries like the UK, Australia, the US, etc., you must prove your financial resources by your source of income. In Germany, international students only need to prove their financial capacity for the duration of their stay. Specifically, 735 Euro/month, equivalent to 8,820 Euro/year to ensure living expenses.

See more: Do I need to prove my financial resources to study in Germany? Conditions and procedures?

Step 2: Search for information about scholarship programs to study in Germany

Detailed information about 7 scholarship programs to study in Germany

Step 3: Carefully analyze the advantages and disadvantages of German study abroad scholarship programs

The purpose of this analysis is to make sure that the scholarship program is suitable for you and your field of study. Therefore, when you want to apply for a scholarship to study in Germany, you should carefully consider the following aspects to make the best choice and prepare your schedule.

Admission process:

Factors you need to determine are how long does it take to apply for a scholarship? Can you apply online or in person at a representative office? And what are the application selection rounds? 

Competency assessment test:

Many scholarship programs have standardized aptitude tests to select suitable candidates for their scholarship fund. Therefore, it is important to learn about the aptitude test, you need to know clearly what the specific requirements are for the scholarship you want to apply for in terms of knowledge and skills as well as the criteria for evaluating candidates.

Competition level:

Needless to say, you can understand that the demand for scholarships to study in Germany is very high, so considering the competition rate among international students is an important step for you to understand your competitors as well as yourself.

Training Level:

Scholarships are often quite diverse for many levels such as: graduate, university, college, vocational school. You also need to understand this issue clearly.

Items covered by the scholarship:

Depending on the type of scholarship, there will be different payment policies for international students such as: living expenses, insurance, research, practice… Therefore, international students need to understand clearly to prepare and be proactive about finances during their study abroad.

Types of foreign language training:

Depending on the school, the language of instruction will be English or German, so you need to know clearly which language the scholarship you want to hunt for is for schools that teach in which language to prepare and perfect that foreign language.

Step 4: Submit your scholarship application

This is the decisive step and the beginning of your application for a scholarship to study in Germany. Depending on the requirements of each scholarship, you can prepare your application with the appropriate documents to apply for that scholarship and wait for the results. A small note is that you may have to prove your finances to be eligible to apply. 

Above are the conditions for successfully applying for a scholarship to study in Germany. Through this, it can be seen that the opportunity to study abroad with German scholarship programs is quite good. If you are serious, fully equipped, and understand the necessary procedures when studying in Germany, you will successfully grasp this opportunity.

In addition, URIAH always appreciates the efforts and hard work of students, thereby offering scholarships to support students studying in Germany. This is a way of expressing URIAH’s affection for students who have trusted and chosen URIAH as a companion on the journey to the “German Dream”.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Question: I want to send my child to study high school in Germany. I would like to know more about the English or German language requirements my child needs to study abroad. Also, can I go with my child to be his/her guardian?

In case of students under 18 years old:

? The family needs to appoint a guardian for the child, usually when the child goes there he will study at a boarding school, and the school will be the guardian for the child.

Or a blood relative who is already in Germany (permanent resident or naturalized) can also be a guardian. The guardian must be a German, or a person legally in Germany (permanent resident, naturalized).

? You can go to Germany to visit your baby by applying for a short-term visa to visit relatives (3 months) (depending on the Embassy’s permission).

Over 18 years old: Children can sponsor their parents to visit relatives.

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