Driving license in Germany
For some of you, a driver’s license is one of the major concerns when planning to go to Germany to study, work or settle down, because Germany is a country extremely famous for its automotive mechanical technology as well as its traffic infrastructure system for cars – Germany’s highway system called Autobahn is a rare system in the world with NO SPEED LIMIT.
(Illustrative photo: Autobahn in Germany, cars and large displacement vehicles can run without speed limit)
According to the practical experience of living in Germany of URIAH Vietnam friends who have lived in Germany, in general, Germans “drive” cars on the Autobahn at a speed of 150-180 km/h, which is normal.
Some speed lovers sometimes drive up to 200 km/h, while cautious people driving at 100-120 km/h always have to stay in the outer lane to avoid obstructing traffic.
For that reason, a driver’s license is necessary to work and settle permanently in Germany, so you should pay attention when planning to study, work and settle in Germany.
Many people wonder, so if you already have a driver’s license in Vietnam, can you convert it to a German license, and should you do that instead of studying and taking a new driver’s license test in Germany??
Let’s explore this topic with URIAH experts!
Convert driving license from Vietnam to German license?
(Illustrative photo: German driving license valid within Europe – paper and card form)
First: It is ABSOLUTELY POSSIBLE to convert a driver’s license to a German license.
The term “Umschreibung” is understood as the process of converting a driver’s license. With this keyword, we can find information on Google about related content in German.
2nd: Driver’s license conversion cost
The cost of converting a driver’s license, as of 2020, is approximately 43.50 EUR. It’s not too expensive, converted to Vietnamese currency, just over one million VND.
3rd: Documents for driving license conversion
+ Cost is about 43.5 EUR as mentioned above
+ Portrait photo similar to passport/visa photo
+ Driving school registration with a driving school in Germany
Hopefully the above information will be helpful for those of you who are interested in converting your driver’s license in Germany.