Instructions for creating a Paypal account in Germany quickly and safely

Creating a PayPal account is one of the top priorities for international students around the world. And when you study in Germany , Paypal is an important bridge to help you transfer money from Germany to Vietnam or from Vietnam to Germany. 

So how to create a Paypal account? Find out with My Career !

I. What is PayPal?

PayPal is an online payment and international money transfer application via the Internet instead of traditional payment methods. With the application, you can pay shopping bills all over the world , send or receive payments from foreign countries to Vietnam.

Paypal e-wallet has become an extremely effective form of money transfer to Vietnam in recent years. This is an international e-wallet, allowing customers to transfer money abroad between Paypal accounts .

And of course, both the sender abroad and the recipient in Vietnam are required to have a Paypal account to link together. Paypal also accepts many foreign currencies that you can transfer, the system will automatically calculate according to the current exchange rate.

1. Advantages of PayPal

  • Fast Payments : Paypal transactions are processed very quickly and instantly.
  • Easily receive and transfer money between PayPal accounts without fees.
  • No need to enter cardholder information multiple times: Cardholder information is stored only once when registering an account. And you do not need to re-enter cardholder information for each payment.
  • Absolute confidentiality of customer information .
  • Paypal is one of the electronic wallets with a wide payment network in countries around the world.
  • Paypal has good customer support service.

2. Notes when using PayPal

  • You must be 18 years or older.
  • Have ID card or citizen identification card .
  • Have Email address .
  • Have 1 of the following cards: Visa/Mastercard/America Express .
  • You have a need to shop, trade or make international payments.
  • If you have enough PayPal balance to make the payment, the amount will be deducted directly.
  • If you have linked a credit or debit card to your PayPal account, the payment amount may be deducted from your credit or debit card after you have exhausted your PayPal balance.

II. Instructions on how to create a PayPal account

1. Quick guide to creating a Paypal account

Go to the sign up page to create a PayPal account , then:

  1. Click Sign Up 
  2. Select the type of Paypal account you want to create and click : Next
  3. Select the registration form in the I am section
  4. Enter your phone number 
  5. Verify phone number
  6. Enter personal information
  7. Enter personal address 
  8. Click Agree to terms and create account.

2. Detailed instructions on how to create a Paypal account

Step 1: Go to the registration page to create a PayPal account, in the right corner of the screen, click on Register (Neu anmelden) .

Click on Sign Up to create a Paypal account

Step 2: Select the type of Paypal account you want to create, here I choose Create a personal account (Privat). Then click Next (Weiter) .

Select the type of Paypal account you want to create, here I choose Create personal account.

Step 3: In the section ?Land/Region auswählen? you choose the country you live in: Deutschland.

Then, click Sign Up Now (Sign Up Now).

Register the city you live in

Step 4: Next, you have to enter your phone number (Handynummer) . Then press Next .

Enter your phone number to create a Paypal account

Step 5: After entering the phone number, the system will send a confirmation code . Enter the correct 6 digits of the code sent by the system.

Enter the confirmation code to create a Paypal account

Step 6: At the next interface, you need to enter full personal information to create a profile, including: Email address, full name, password,? After filling in, click on Next (Weiter) below the screen.

Enter complete personal information to create a Paypal account profile

Step 7: Next, you must enter full personal address information, including: Date of birth, nationality, city,? Then, click to activate One Touch and confirm the user terms and privacy. After completing the above procedures, click on Agree and create an account .

Enter full personal address information to create a Paypal account

Step 8: Now, creating your PayPal account is complete, you can choose 2 categories Shopping and Send Money .

Your PayPal account creation is complete.

III. How to verify after creating a PayPal account

1. Quick guide on how to verify after creating a Paypal account

1.1 . Go to the Email you registered and click Verify your Email 

1.2. Enter PayPal password 

1.3. Click Confirm My Email

1.4. Enter your credit card payment setup information 

1.5. Click on the Links  item

1.6. Enter the 4 digit-code in the Confirm card link field

1.7. Click Confirm to complete account verification.

2. Detailed instructions on how to authenticate after creating a Paypal account

Step 1: Open the Email you used to register for PayPal. Click on Confirm Your Email (E-Mail-Adresse bestätigen) to verify your Paypal account.

Confirm your Email

Step 2: Enter the PayPal account password you just created above, then click Confirm My Email

Enter the password of the PayPal account you just created

Step 3: Enter your payment setup information about your bank card for payment, after entering everything, click on Link card.

Enter your payment setup information about your bank card to pay

Step 4: Next, if you have entered your card information, the system will send you a notification that you will have a 4-digit code for you to enter to complete the authentication.

Once you have this 4 digit code, enter the code in the Confirm card link section . Then, click Confirm to complete account verification.

To get this 4 digit code , you can check the message sent to the phone number you registered when making the card or contact the bank’s hotline.

With simple steps to register and create a PayPal account, you can create your own PayPal account to shop and pay directly with countries around the world extremely conveniently. 

IV. Steps to transfer money or pay after creating a Paypal account are as follows:

Step 1 : Log in to your account

Select Send Money on the Menu

Step 2 : Fill in information

Fill in the correct recipient email address, amount and currency to be transferred. In this step, there are 3 payment methods:

  • Personal Payment – ​​includes payment reasons such as Shared expenses, Rental charges, Payment Owed and Others. Then select Continue to continue.
  • Online payments : Online purchases – there are 3 reasons: Goods, Services Paypal, and eBay.

Step 3 : Confirm and complete the transfer after creating a Paypal account

After completing the steps to transfer money to Vietnam via Paypal , the money will reach the recipient’s account within 2 – 4 working days at the latest.

Transferring money from abroad to Vietnam is becoming easier and easier thanks to e-wallets and international payment gateways. A familiar name is Paypal Vietnam? a powerful e-commerce company, providing many online payment and money transfer services. So if you want to transfer money from Paypal to a Vietnamese account, what should we do?

V. Instructions for withdrawing money from Paypal account to bank account

To be able to withdraw money from Paypal, follow these steps:

Step 1 : Add bank account to Paypal card

Currently, Paypal supports money transfer to bank cards, Visa/Mastercard . You log in to Paypal, go to Wallet and click Link a bank Account .

In this section, you fill in the following information:

  • Middle name : Middle name
  • Name : Your name
  • Account number : your account number
  • Re-enter account number : re-enter account number
  • Bank name : bank name (international transaction name)
  • SWIFT code : International money transfer code. Each bank has a different Swift code, you can search or contact the bank hotline to ask for information.

After checking all the above information, click Save to save the card information. Thus, your bank card has been saved to Paypal. Currently, all banks support receiving money from Paypal. Even domestic bank cards or international Visa cards can still withdraw money. Banks commonly used to withdraw from Paypal are ACB, VCB.

Create Paypal account in Germany

Step 2 : Select Withdraw to withdraw money

To be able to Withdraw , the amount in the account must be over 10 USD. This section will contain the following information:

  • Amount to withdraw
  • Bank card want to withdraw money

Fill in the information above and click Continue . Here, the one-time withdrawal fee is 60,000 VND, with no limit on the withdrawal amount.

Step 3 : Check information and proceed to withdraw money

In this step, you will check the information about the withdrawal amount as well as the bank name. For withdrawals, Paypal will automatically convert money from Euro to VND at Paypal’s exchange rate. This exchange rate is usually lower than the bank’s, Paypal will take the difference. Then click Withdraw to proceed with the withdrawal.

At the Paypal interface, you will see the withdrawal history. Remember to save the Transaction ID number . After completing this step, the transfer from Paypal to your Vietnamese account will be confirmed. If the transfer is successful, Paypal will send you an email notification.

Step 4: Withdraw money from card

To receive money after creating a Paypal account, you must register for the service of receiving money from abroad at the bank. And you will also be charged a transaction fee when receiving money. For example, with an ACB bank Visa card, this fee is 60,000 VND . After registering and paying the fee, you can withdraw money immediately for use.

Thus, creating a Paypal account is quite easy and quick, you can do it online on your personal computer and phone. Having a Paypal account will help a lot in the international payment process as well as money transfer operations between Vietnam and foreign countries.

Create Paypal account in Germany

Above are detailed instructions on how to create a Paypal account from My Career. If you have any questions that need My Career to answer, do not hesitate to comment below! Follow My Career now to learn more useful information to prepare for your study abroad in Germany!

See more: Top 5 most used social networks in Germany 

See more: Where can I send goods from Germany to Vietnam?

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