Studying in Germany is currently a popular choice for the young generation of Vietnam. In addition to determining the major, school and carefully preparing finances, students should also orient themselves on the path after graduation. So what will students do after studying in Germany and returning to Vietnam? Should they stay in Germany? How to avoid unemployment after graduation? Follow the following article to find your own answer!

Job opportunities in Germany?

Germany is the country with the largest economy in Europe and is among the top in the world. Therefore, the job market in Germany is also very vibrant and diverse. Rated as a country with a low unemployment rate in Europe, you do not need to worry about being unemployed in Germany if you are really capable and try hard. 

As international students, you have the opportunity to work in factories, enterprises, hotels, restaurants, etc. in Germany right after graduation. The German labor force does not distinguish between native and foreign workers, as long as you have the ability to contribute, the treatment is no different from that of Germans. 

Career opportunities in Germany after graduation are huge. Depending on your field of study and your flexibility and adaptability, you can choose from a wide range of jobs such as lawyer, lecturer, doctor, pharmacist, technician, engineer, interpreter, etc. 

Studying in Germany and returning to Vietnam to do what? 

However, not everyone who studies in Germany will choose to stay in Germany. Except for a few students who go to work in other countries, students who do not stay in Germany will return to Vietnam. The distance from relatives and homeland, loneliness in a foreign land and possibly the inability to afford the expensive life in Germany are the main reasons that motivate German students to return to Vietnam. However, in order to avoid confusion and uncertainty when returning home, international students need to research job opportunities after returning to Vietnam. 

Job opportunities for German students in Vietnam 

In fact, domestic job opportunities are very open for foreign students when they return to Vietnam. With the knowledge that has been trained in depth and good foreign language skills, you will have a very high chance of working in large enterprises in the field you have been trained. The salary for positions that require both competence and foreign language skills is quite high compared to the general level in Vietnam. 

Moreover, the cost of living in Vietnam is also average, if you are really capable, it will be easy to have a high standard of living in your home country. You can work in the field you studied such as law, doctor, pharmacist, nurse , engineer, restaurant, hotel or translator… 

What to prepare when returning from studying in Germany? 

Before returning to Vietnam, German students should note the following issues:

  • Notice of Termination of Lease
  • Withdraw transcript from current school 
  • Terminate internet, phone, health insurance contracts
  • Disable bank accounts
  • Research job opportunities in Vietnam in advance. 

How to avoid unemployment after studying in Germany? 

Whether you choose to stay in Germany or return to Vietnam after graduation, you need to prepare yourself with a really “luxurious” luggage, specifically: 

  • Enrich your foreign language skills. Whether it is English or German, try to be fluent or at least proficient in your field and communication skills.
  • Grasp well the knowledge trained at school.
  • Be willing to learn more about other fields through part-time jobs, collaboration, and support. 
  • Prepare yourself with a proactive mindset and confidence to be more stable after graduation. 

Above is some information about job opportunities after studying in Germany. If you need further advice on issues such as which school to choose , which major to study in Germany… please contact My Career immediately: 

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