You are still wondering whether to study in West Germany or East Germany, this is the question of many students when choosing to study in Germany. It can be seen that with the world’s leading education system including MIT in the US, Stanford, Harvard, Yale or Oxford in the UK… the education system in Germany is very even, no school is more outstanding than another school, because of this evenness, it has helped the education of schools in Germany always have balance.
Culture in Germany
We all know that East Germany still has some connection with Eastern European countries, so the culture of Austria or Poland is still mixed here. On the contrary, West Germany has its own identity of capitalist countries such as England, France, Portugal, which are countries that always invade and always consider themselves as the possessors. And until now, when the two regions have been unified, West Germans always think that not only is it good in terms of economy and politics, but their education system is also not inferior to anywhere else.
Education system in East and West Germany
The university systems in West Germany and East Germany have almost the same entrance exam scores and there is almost no difference. Normally, people often hear that universities in West Germany have higher entrance exam scores, but in reality, this is not the case. Part of the people think that in West Germany, the facilities and infrastructure are more developed, so students have higher and more difficult entrance exam scores. But it is undeniable that the universities in East Germany have produced the top politicians and researchers in Germany from universities in East Germany.
School infrastructure
The infrastructure of both sides is generally not much different. If West Germany focuses on a bustling, dynamic economy, the infrastructure in the West is better invested, from houses to bustling urban streets. As for East Germany, the roads and sea or land traffic are very open, the infrastructure systems are regularly upgraded. Both sides have their own advantages, neither side is stronger.
Job opportunities related to your field of study in Germany
With a degree from an East German university in your hand, you can still apply for any job related to your field in West Germany and the salary is equivalent to that of a fresh graduate in West Germany. Thus, with a degree from West Germany or East Germany, your job opportunities are the same. Germany is a country with the fewest immigrants, almost 99% of the population here are German. Here, people have a high standard of living, demonstrated through preferential policies and benefits regarding salary, working hours, holidays and income tax reduction policies.
Monthly living expenses
Regarding living expenses, as you know, West Germany has a lot of new infrastructure, a bustling and crowded population, and carefully invested road and tunnel systems. Building houses also takes a lot of time and effort, so the cost in West Germany will be higher than in East Germany. Overall, whether you choose to study in West Germany or East Germany is not important, depending on your needs and those of your loved ones. If you want a quiet life to study, choose East Germany, but if you want a bustling, vibrant life with many entertainment areas, choose West Germany.
The above is a reference article to help you make the right choice when looking for schools in West Germany or East Germany. After graduation, the value of the two degrees is the same and Germany is always highly appreciated by everyone because of its many job opportunities and attractive salaries. What are you still wondering about without choosing a university that suits your favorite career?