Before coming to live and work in Germany, perhaps the first thing we need to understand a little about your country. What are the symbols of Germany, the landscape, and the life of the German people like? In today’s article, URIAH will briefly introduce some symbols of Germany.
German Symbols: National Flag
A national flag is a symbol of each country and also a source of pride for that country. The German flag (Flagge Deutschlands) consists of three horizontal stripes, including the colors: black, red, yellow. This design was adopted as the national flag of modern Germany in 1919, during the Weimar Republic.
German flag
Perhaps anyone interested in Germany will remember these 3 special colors of the German flag. These colors are also the inspiration for design, fashion, and art when wanting to highlight the “German quality”. However, not everyone understands the meaning and arrangement of these 3 colors.
To understand the significance of the German flag, we must recall the history of Napoleon. The soldiers in the legion were required to provide their own uniforms, and in order to present a uniform appearance, the easiest way was to dye their entire uniform black. Gold buttons were widely available, and the pennants used by the lancers in the legion were red and black.
They mean: “From the darkness of slavery, through the bloody Red battle , to reach the golden light of freedom ” (Aus der Schwärze (= Schwarz) der Knechtschaft durch blutige (= Rot) Schlachten ans goldene (= Gold) Licht der Freiheit).
Later, when the war period passed, in German life, the meaning of the German flag was often explained more gently: Black is the symbol of the Past? Red is the symbol of the Present? Yellow is the symbol of a bright Future to look forward to.
Refer to vocational study abroad programs in Germany
German Symbol: Coat of Arms
The coat of arms of Germany (Bundesadler) is a symbol of Germany in the form of an eagle. The colours of the coat of arms are similar to those of the German flag (black, red, yellow).
German coat of arms (left)
The national symbol of the Federal Republic of Germany can be seen on the citizen’s flag. The federal eagle is placed on the German Bundestag in a fuller form than the national emblem, sometimes called the Fette Henne (German), and similar designs can be seen on German euro coins. The German coat of arms is one of the oldest national symbols in Europe.
The image of the eagle evokes the image of pride, resilience, and strength of the German people.
German Symbol: National Anthem
On Weimar Constitution Day 1922, August 11, the song “das Lied der Deutschen” was chosen as the national anthem by the first Reich President Friedrich Ebert (SPD).
“Das Lied der Deutschen” has been the national anthem of Germany since 1922. The lyrics were written by August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben , a mid-19th-century German poet, to the tune of “Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser” (God bless the Emperor Franz) composed by Joseph Haydn for the birthday of the Holy Roman Emperor in 1797.
Link to listen to the German national anthem:
Symbol of Germany: Brandenburg Gate
Located in the heart of Berlin today, the Brandenburg Gate is not only a symbol of Berlin but also a symbol of Germany. It has been printed on stamps, D-mark banknotes and euro coins of Germany.
Like the German flag, the image of the Brandenburg Gate is also an inspiration for design, fashion, and art when the designer wants to highlight the “German quality” in it.
German symbol
The Brandenburg Gate (German: Brandenburger Tor) is a former city gate and one of the main symbols of Berlin, Germany. It is located in the Central District (Bezirk Mitte) of Berlin, between Pariser Platz and Platz des 18. März, and is the only remaining gate of a series of ancient gates leading to Berlin. A block north of the Brandenburg Gate is the Reichstag , where the Bundestag of the Federal Republic of Germany meets.
After the war, Brandenburger Tor was rebuilt by both the East and West Berlin governments. But on August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall was built across the city gate separating the West and East Berlin, causing many disasters for countless families in Berlin in particular and Germany in general. Therefore, it became a symbol of the cold war between the capitalist and socialist camps.
The opening of the Brandenburg Gate on December 22, 1989, to the jubilation and joy of more than 100,000 people, was perhaps the most important event ever to take place at this gate. It became a symbol of unity and, moreover, a symbol of the end of the Cold War between East and West, a bridge to Germany’s future.
German sausage – a typical dish of Germany
Since I was a child, I have always heard that German sausages are famous and delicious. German sausages have attracted many diners around the world. Each region has its own way of preparing them. Each place is a unique color of the vast Germany.
Bratwurst is a sausage with a long history in Germany, Germans often grill them and eat them with bread and sweet mustard. Just reading it makes my mouth water, right? The main ingredient of Bratwurst is ground pork mixed with traditional spices of the sausage maker.
Weisswurst is a traditional sausage from southern Germany, or more precisely the state of Bavaria. The main ingredients are ground veal and salted pork along with other spices typical of the state. When eaten, it will be eaten with sweet mustard and Brezel twisted bread.
Sausages are widely available in German supermarkets. Many supermarkets also have fresh meat, butter and cheese, sausages, etc. People can choose freely, the price also varies depending on the type of sausage, because the ingredients may be different.
One thing to note is that German sausages are actually a bit salty for Vietnamese taste, so be prepared that they may not be as you imagine? Or you can prepare a bottle of beer to go with it, which would be ideal!
German Beer – A Unique Cultural Feature
When mentioning Germany, no one mentions German beer. Known as the land of beer and sausages, Germans are very proud of this. For Germans, beer is not just a normal drink, it also has German characteristics. Beer has its own history, beer factories in Germany have a very long tradition, passed down through many generations. Beer has many typical types such as Pils, Pilsener, Kölsch, Weizen, Lagerbier, Export, Bockbier, Alt, Weißbier, Helles und Oktoberfestbier .
In addition, Germany also has an extremely famous German Beer Festival called Oktoberfest . It lasts from September 18 to October 3 , during this time, beer will be flooded in stores, people organize to drink beer together very happily. This can be considered one of the largest festivals in the world in terms of scale as well as the ability to attract people around the world to participate.
Some German beers
German Symbol: Car
Germany is the HOME of the most popular car manufacturers in the world. For example: Audi, Volkswagen, BMW and Mercedes-Benz, all originated in Germany and now have factories all over the world. In Germany, they build car museums. There, they display old models, produced in the past. In addition, the beauty of the landscape and roads in Germany provides a great experience for driving enthusiasts. German cars deserve to be famous, a pinnacle representative of German history, culture, beauty and tradition.
Visiting modern automobile museums of car manufacturers or museums in each region is very popular with Germans as well as tourists to Germany. This is also a regular activity of URIAH students participating in vocational training and summer camp study in Germany.
Photo of the automobile and tractor museum in Mühlhofen, Germany
Hopefully through this article you have gained more interesting information about Germany and love this country rich in culture, history and tradition even more.