Residence Permit in Germany: What Many People Wish For
A German settlement permit is an important document on your way to settling down in Germany. Surely those of you studying in Germany are very interested in this issue! In this guide, My Career will discuss its benefits, requirements and application process!
What is a settlement permit in Germany?
A German settlement permit ( Niederlassungserlaubnis ) allows you to live, work and study in Germany for an unlimited period of time. It is also known as a permanent residence permit. A settlement permit is a step after a temporary residence permit ( Aufenthaltserlaubnis ) and a step before acquiring German citizenship through naturalization ( Einbürgerung ).
Temporary Residence Permit vs. Settlement Permit in Germany
The ID cards for your residence permit in Germany look exactly the same and you need to look closely to identify what type it is. Below you can see two images that clearly show the difference between Niederlassungserlaubnis and Aufenthaltserlaubnis .
German Settlement Permit
Residence permit in GermanyTemporary residence permit in Germany
What Are the Benefits of a Settlement Permit in Germany?
The main benefit of permanent residence in Germany is more freedom. Freedom to travel, freedom to work. If you want to change jobs or start your own business, you can do so without worrying about your visa status. Unlike a temporary residence permit, which you get through any type of visa (except a tourist visa), you are no longer tied to a specific company or job.
Can You Travel With a German Residence Permit?
Yes, you can travel freely within the EU with your German residence permit, but remember to always carry your passport with you. For some non-EU countries, you may face fewer visa restrictions with a German long-term residence permit.
Can a German Permanent Residence Permit Expire?
Yes, it is possible. If you leave Germany for longer than six months (without prior permission), your German Settlement Permit will expire.
How to Maintain Permanent Residence in Germany
Once you have received your Settlement Permit in Germany, it is valid for an unlimited period of time. However, the residence card is only valid for 5 ? 10 years, similar to your citizen’s identity card or passport. Since it is attached to your passport, you need to keep both documents valid. To renew your Settlement Permit or in case you lose your right of residence ( Aufenthaltstitel ), you need to make an appointment with your local Ausländerbehörde and request a new physical permit.
How Long Does It Take To Get Permanent Residency In Germany?
Residence permit in Germany
You will usually get permanent residence in Germany after you have lived and worked in Germany for 5 years. We will look at the exact requirements below. When you start your stay in Germany with a temporary residence permit, it is usually valid for two years. If you still have a work contract after those two years, you will get another temporary residence permit for another two years.
After a year, you can make an appointment with your Ausländerbehörde to apply for permanent residence. Once you have submitted all the necessary documents, it will usually take between four and eight weeks for you to receive your permanent residence certificate.
Who Can Get a Settlement Permit in Germany With Reduced Waiting Time?
There are a number of situations that may allow you to apply for permanent residence in Germany after two or three years. Let’s take a look at the categories that enjoy special provisions:
EU Blue Card Holder
EU Blue Card holders have access to Germany, as they are well-educated and highly paid workers who help alleviate the skills shortage in the German workforce. As an EU Blue Card holder, you can already apply for permanent residence after just 33 months. If you have already learned your German and passed the B1 German exam, you can even apply after 21 months!
This is the fastest way to become a permanent resident in Germany. However, please note that only during the months you live in Germany do you work and contribute to the new statutory pension insurance.
Graduates of German Universities or Vocational Training
Residence permit in Germany
If you have a German vocational qualification or certificate, you can apply for permanent residence after working in your field and contributing to the statutory pension insurance for 2 years. You must also have sufficient German language skills (level B1).
Highly Qualified Professional
If you are a skilled worker with education or vocational training, you are currently employed and have contributed to the statutory pension insurance for at least 4 years; you can apply for a German Settlement Permit.
Self-Employed People
When you come to Germany with a free visa or get one while in Germany, you can already apply for permanent residence in Germany after 3 years, as long as your business idea is viable and provides sufficient financial resources.
Family Member of a German Citizen
Let’s say you have re-joined a family member in Germany who is a German national. In that case, you can change your temporary residence permit to a Settlement Permit after 3 years if the family unit is still in place and you have a B1 level of German. This applies to both your spouse and unmarried minor children.
Requirements For A Settlement Permit In Germany
To be eligible for a permanent residence permit in Germany, you must meet the following requirements and provide the following documents:
Minimum 5 years of residence in Germany with at least 60 months of contributions to the German pension insurance ( Rentenversicherungsverlauf ), unless you qualify for fast-track registration as described above
No criminal record ( Führungszeugnis )
German language level B1 (integrated course, language course or test certificate).
Proof of financial security (employment contract, last payslip or bank records; for self-employed, latest tax return).
Proof of registration and accommodation (rental contract and Meldebescheinigung for your living space)
Proof of health insurance from your health insurance fund
For any early registration applicants, evidence that allows you to register early (degree, business license, EU Blue Card, marriage certificate, etc.)
Valid passport
1 biometric photo
Some cities may require additional documentation, so be sure to familiarize yourself with your individual situation.
Requirements For A Settlement Permit In Germany For Family Members Of Foreign Citizens
If you move to Germany with your children, they will most likely receive a temporary residence permit similar to yours. Let’s take a look at their eligibility for a settlement permit in Germany.
Residence permit in Germany
Children of Foreign Citizens in Germany
According to BAMF, if your child has had a residence permit in Germany for at least five years before turning 16, he or she will be able to get a settlement permit after his or her 16th birthday.
If your child only completes five years of holding a temporary residence permit after turning 16, he or she will need to demonstrate a good knowledge of German and a ?secure livelihood?. This includes going to school or doing vocational training.
Family Members of Foreign Citizens in Germany
If your partner or spouse receives a settlement permit, then you are also eligible to apply for a German settlement permit. Even if your relationship or marriage breaks down, you retain that right, as long as you can prove that you are financially secure (including alimony from your ex-partner).
Family reunification and immigration law is a very complex subject with many individual factors. We strongly recommend that you consult with immigration experts such as Schlun & Elseven.
Procedure for Applying for a Settlement Permit in Germany
The process for applying for permanent residence in Germany (Antrag auf Erteilung einer Niederlassungserlaubnis) varies from city to city. In some cities (Berlin), you have to submit a written application with all the documents, and then you will be given an appointment. In other cities (Dusseldorf), you need to make an appointment in advance and provide all the documents in person.
During your personal appointment, you may be required to demonstrate your knowledge of German and your understanding of the political and social system as well as the law in Germany.
Cost of Residence Permit in Germany
The cost of a permanent residence permit in Germany depends on the type of work you are doing:
Chung: 113 euros
Self-employed: 124 euros
Highly qualified specialist: 147 euros
Reissue: 67 euros
Residence permit in Germany
Obtaining permanent residence in Germany for freedom of movement and employment is fairly straightforward and, in most cases, depends on the number of years you have lived and worked in this beautiful country. Depending on your qualifications and job, you can fast-track the five years that are usually required. Your local Ausländerbehörde handles the application process.
Thus, all information about settlement permits in Germany is provided in detail by My Career in the above article. If you have any questions, please contact My Career immediately for dedicated advice!